Tuesday 2 July 2013

Feeling poorly

Mrs.Woman has always had the sniffles so that was one of the first things we told the vet about. She got a vaccination and some antibiotics that time. The antibiotic was a powder that you add water too and it was bright pink. I called it liquefied girlyness! It was a nightmare to get her to take it but she did and her sniffles and sneezing seemed to reduce.

Then last Wednesday it got 100 times worse, she wasn't eating for a few days before hand, she was drooling  really bad and her nose was completely blocked up. The next day we brought her to the vets who gave her 2 injections and more of the pink antibiotic. The lovely vet nurse gave us 2 cans of Hills a/d critical care food and advised us to use Vick's vapo rub in hot water as you would do for a person.

The vick's worked a treat and she immediately perked up and ate a tiny bit of the a/d. But the next day she vomited glowing green bile, not good. That evening we went back to the vet who said it was probably a reaction to the injection she had gotten. He gave her a long lasting antibiotic jab. We didn't have to give her the pink stuff anymore. He said even though she hadn't been eating her muscle mass was still good and she is hydrated. He had a feel around her tummy and said that she doesn't have long left before the kittens arrive !!!!

She isn't eating a huge amount, only licking the jelly off her food, not eating any of the a/d. I cooked some chicken for her and she didn't want it, sausages as well . But I have caught her eating some dry food a couple of times. She is super friendly nowadays, always wanting to be petted. She's on the road to recovery anyway

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