Thursday 4 July 2013

They arrived !!!

As you can probably tell from the title, the kittens have arrived.

On Tuesday night at 7:30 the first one arrived and at 9:30 the second one was born. Both us and the vet thought there would be more (I was guessing 4) but after a visit to the vets he said that he was 95% sure there was no more kittens in there and there must have just been a lot of fluid.

For now they are going by #1 and #2 until we know what gender they are and see their personalities. They both have 3 black spots on their head and black tails like their mother but #2 has some black on a hind leg , a spot above his tail and his black spots are covering his eyes. She was a superb mother cleaning them off once they came out. She was eating like a horse, but now her nose is a little blocked up again so I'm trying to fix that. She has no teeth so when it came to the umbilical chords she couldn't chew it off  so I cut them the next day.

She has one fault though, she isn't very good at cleaning them off when they poop!

No pictures for now, I'll upload some as soon as I can.

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